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Full Name; Jeanne de Luvae

Age; 20 years of age.

Occupation; Princess

Relatives; Royal parents



 Is it possible for a princess to not want to be a princess? Well, it is for Jeanne de Luvae. Born into the royal responsibilies and regulations, she was alway kept on a strict 'leash'. She always dreamed of one day leaving the castle,, to be free from the shackles of royalty. Part of her understands her responsibilies to the throne, but the other part of her wants to be free. 

Jeanne has a kind-natured heart, yet be very stubborn. She is fiesty sometimes, but not always, then again, she never was able to really be herself.  She tends to keep her desires and secrets to herself, not wanting to trouble anyone with her burdens.

She knows one day she will be married off to some snotty prince, which she dreads for the day. Her parents are already shoving suitors in her face.



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